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Call for Expression of Interest: Appointment to the Fulbright Board

The Minister for Foreign Affairs is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified people for appointment to the Board of the Ireland-US Commission on Educational Exchange (‘Fulbright Commission’).

The Fulbright Programme was established in 1957 and is the only official educational exchange programme between the Governments of Ireland and the United States of America. 

The Board has four Irish members and four member from the United States, appointed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and by the US Ambassador respectively.  

The Board has responsibility for ensuring the proper functioning and strategic development of the Programme, approving budgets, as well as approving the number of, and the level of funding for, the annual Irish and US scholarship awards.

Under the terms of the 1991 Educational Exchange (Ireland and the USA) Act, the persons appointed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs must be Irish citizens. The appointments will be for a two-year term, which includes four annual meetings and participation on a Commission subcommittee. Members will serve on a part-time basis and do not receive remuneration. Expenses associated with attendance at Board meetings will be covered. 

Expressions of interest should be accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae. The Minister for Foreign Affairs will not be restricted to considering only those who have responded to this invitation but will ensure that all of those appointed have the relevant qualifications for the positions.

Further information on the work of the Commission is available at www.fulbright.ie.


Persons interested in being considered for appointment as a Board Member should submit an application in writing by 16 February 2022 to FulbrightBoardEOI@dfa.ie.