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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Egypt website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/cairo.

Team Ireland in Egypt

The Embassy works to enhance the political and economic relationship between Ireland and Egypt; maintain and strengthen links with our Irish diaspora; and promote Ireland and Irish culture.


Nuala O'Brien

Deputy Head of Mission

Emma Hickey


Grace Earley

The Embassy of Ireland in Cairo is also responsible for covering Ireland’s relations with Lebanon, and Syria where we do not maintain embassies. The Embassy is assisted in its work by Honorary Consulates of Ireland in these countries.  Honorary Consulates provide a limited range of Consular Services including passport, visa and consular assistance services. 

Alexandria Honorary Consul

Mr. Hisham G Helmy
Honorary Consul of Ireland
55 Sultan Hussein Street
Tower A
Second Floor
Tel: + 203 484 3317
Fax: + 203 484 3320
E-mail: hisham.helmy@honoraryconsul.ie

Beirut Honorary Consul General

Mr. Georges H. Siam
Honorary Consulate General of Ireland
Badaro 2000 Building 1st Floor
Badaro Street

Tel: + 961 139 5005
Fax: + 961 139 2005
E-mail: georges.siam@honoraryconsul.ie

Syria Honorary Consul General

Mr. Naji-Pierre Chaoui
Honorary Consul General of Ireland
P.O. Box 46

Tel: +963 11 334 2144
Fax: +963 11 222 1320
E-mail: najipierre.chaoui@honoraryconsul.ie

While the State Agencies are not currently represented in Egypt, Lebanon or Syria, the Embassy works closely with their responsible regional and headquarters offices to support Irish exports and seek investment.  The Embassy encourages Irish companies seeking to enter the markets for which we have responsibility to contact us for advice and assistance.