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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Estonia website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/tallinn.

Consular Fees

Below you will find information on consular fees for services carried out by the Embassy of Ireland in Tallinn. For further details on consular services, please check the relevant section of our website.

Miscellaneous Consular Services

Number Service Fee
1 Single journey visa application €60 
2 Multiple journey visa application  €100
3 Emergency Travel Document €30
4 5-year Passport for those under 18 years €45
5 10-year Passport for adults €95 
6 Large 10 year Passport  €125 
7 Foreign Birth Registration (FBR) for over 18 years of age :  €250 
8 Foreign Birth registration (FBR) for under 18 years of age:  €125 
9 Foreign Birth Registration Certificate:  €20 
10 Certificate of Freedom to Marry (Certificate de Coutume/Nulla Osta) €60
If you submit your application 28 days or less before the date of your intended marriage or civil partnership, you’ll have to pay an additional fee of €60 per Irish applicant. 
11 Administration of an affidavit  €60 

The full list of Consular fees is also available.