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Irish Aid in India

Irish Aid supports local non-governmental organisations in Nepal with small-scale development projects through In-Country Micro Project Scheme (ICMPS) as administered through Embassy of Ireland, New Delhi. The grants range from €3,000 to €6,000 for an NGO for a project of a maximum duration of one year.

  • What is ICMPS
  • Eligibility
  • Types of grant
  • Application process
  • What we can't fund

What is ICMPS

In-Country Micro Project Scheme (ICMPS) is a funding programme aimed at supporting micro projects implemented by local, grassroots NGOs in order to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice. Priority is given to sustainable projects that enhance local capacity and have a focus on reaching the furthest behind first and are consistent with A Better World – Ireland’s Policy for International Development. The objectives of the In-Country Micro Project Scheme are to:

  1. Strengthen the voice of local communities to influence policy decisions
  2. Prevent hunger, and improve livelihood security.
  3. Improve access to essential services
  4. Improve access and control of resources for marginalised communities.
  5. Promote human rights.
  6. Promote women’s empowerment and gender equality
  7. Promote environmental sustainability and in particular, initiatives that combat climate change


Organisational Status: Applicants must be an indigenous, locally managed, not for profit organisations that are independent of the state and are formed voluntarily by members of society to address the root causes of poverty and injustice in their respective communities:

a)      Locally Registered NGO; registered as a trust or society with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source.

b)      Community Based Organisation; registered as a trust or society with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source.

c)      Non Profit Company or Corporate Foundation; with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source.

d)      Faith Based Organisations involved in development work and registered as a religious trust or charitable trust or society with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source. Where developmental and religious work is convergent (e.g. schools/training run by faith based organisations) enforcement of non-discrimination policies should be documented in the application.

e)      Co-operative

f)       Farmer Association

g)      Trade Union


Focus of Work: The areas of intervention by the applicant organisation must meet the OECD DAC definition of Official Development Assistance and take place in a country classified as eligible for assistance. See www.oecd.org/dac/stats/methodology for details.

Record of Compliance: Applicants, previously in receipt of ICMPS funds, must have a record of compliance in terms of the administration of such funds. Applicants which have a record of non-compliance with the terms of previous ICMPS contracts may not be considered for funding.

Funding Status: Applications cannot be accepted from an organisation which is currently in receipt of an ICMPS grant i.e. if the applicant is already receiving payments for a project under an existing contract.


Types of grant

The maximum ceiling for funding is 70% of project costs, 30% must be covered by the NGO or other donors. The maximum monetary amount is €3,000 to €6,000 per year. The grant will be decided on a case to case basis.
Duration: The duration of a grant approved under the scheme is one year.

Application process

Interested Organisations should email newdelhiirishaid@dfa.ie to receive an application form.  

Applicants should the complete the ICMPS Application Form and email them to newdelhiirishaid@dfa.ie. Additional relevant supporting documents in the form of Annexes can also be submitted with the application form inclusive of photographs, site maps, Memoranda of Understanding with other organisations, etc.

Application forms should be in 12-point font and presented in electronic format, where possible. One original hard copy, signed by the legal representative of the organisation must be sent to the relevant Mission or Consulate.Applications must be submitted in English and contain Euro equivalents of the local currency amount sought.

What we can't fund

  • Interventions that are primarily welfare support(s) and that are clearly not sustainable without external support
  • International Travel
  • Individual or family support
  • Major infrastructural schemes for e.g. dams, roads, hospitals (but is not limited to this list).
  • Educational scholarships including study or research fellowships
  • Projects that involve evangelisation for the proselytising of religious beliefs
  • Retrospective Expenditure (i.e. cost incurred prior to the date of submission of the application)
  • Emergency projects that are in response to natural or human disasters
  • Marketing, fundraising and entertainment