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Lawyers in Mallorca

(Telephone prefix from Ireland: 00 34)

This list is provided by the Irish Consulate in Mallorca for the convenience of enquirers, but the Consulate does not take any responsibility for the competence or probity of any firm/advocate on this list or the consequence of any legal action initiated or advice given. The order in which the names appear has no significance.

Juan M. Font
Gene Font Moro
Edificio La Caixa
Avda. Alejandro Rossello 40-8º
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 456 222
Fax: 971 736 069
Emergency Mobiles: Elena Teruel - 680 162 562 / Francisco Grimald – 678 652 516
Email: info@genefontmora.com
Website: www.genefontmora.com
Specialized in: civil, criminal and corporation law

Bufete Palmer
Plaza Mayor 3E
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 228 173/185
Fax: 971 712 643
Email: bpa@palmerabogados.net
Specialized in: civil, criminal and corporation law

Gabriel Garcias
Paseo Mallorca 10, Entlo. C
07012 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 710 624
Fax: 971 710 031
Email: garciasplanas@terra.com
Specialized in: criminal law

Carles Foz
Avda. Alemanya 15, Esc A 5°-2
07003 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 711 681
Fax: 971 718 635
Email: carlesfoz@bufetefoz.com
Specialized in: corporation law, investments and tax regulations

Carlos Portalo Prada / Monserrate Santandreu Sánchez
Convento Capuchinos 3, 4°-D
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 728 052
Fax: 971 717 399
Mobile: 607 798 831 (Carlos Portalo Prada)
Email: cportalo@telefonica.net / msantandreu@telefonica.net
Specialized in: civil and criminal law

Paseo Mallorca 16-Entlo.
07012 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 724 119
Fax: 971 722 147
Email: ginard.alemany@mallorcanet.com
Specialized in: civil and criminal law

Asesores ORG
Calle San Miguel 30 6° B-C
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 715 716
Mobile: B. Casanovas - 608 474 160
Email: bcasasnovas@asesoresorg.com
Website: www.asesoresorg.com
Specialized in: civil, criminal, corporation, labour law and tax regulations

Bufete Morell & Associates
Plaza Frederic Chopin 1°-Entlo.
07001 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 719 409 / 971 710 179
Fax: 971 718 282
Email: mail@bufetemorell.com
Specialized in: civil, investments (properties and companies) and corporation law

Angel Cardell
Avda. Jaime III, 17 – 3º despacho 38
07012 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 971 719 359
Specialized in: civil and criminal law

Ms. Rosa Torrandell
c/ José Anselmo Clavé, 8 – 7º 2ª
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Tel: 00 34 971 098 980
Email: rosa@myadvocatespain.com
Website: www.myadvocatespain.com/lawyers-in-spain/lawyers-mallorca/
Specializes in: Criminal law, Civil law, Labour law, Family law & Property law