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Explanation of Vote - Haiti Sanctions

Thank you President,


In light of the truly desperate situation in Haiti and the responsibility of the Security Council to respond with urgency, Ireland welcomes the unanimous adoption of Resolution 2583, to establish a new sanctions regime for Haiti.


Today, for the first time in five years, the Security Council has adopted a new sanctions regime.  A regime focused on the gangs strangling Haiti and its people.



Ireland expresses strong appreciation for the efforts of the United States and Mexico as penholders in drafting this resolution and also for working with fellow Council members on their perspectives on the text. In this regard, we welcome the inclusion of sexual and gender-based violence as a stand-alone designation criterion.


Ireland also believes that it is essential that the Council include the strengthening of fair procedures and due process for delisting in this new regime. 


As a member of the Group of Like-Minded on Targeted Sanctions, Ireland welcomes the specific reference to the Ombudsperson in PP19. We now look forward to concrete progress on extending the mandate of the Office of the Ombudsperson to Haiti and all other sanctions regimes. 


Currently, the Ombudsperson is mandated to review cases from the ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida sanctions list only.  And soon we will add Haiti. With the Haiti sanctions regime that leave 14 other sanctions committees, for which there is no independent system to review de-listing requests.


We all have an interest in ensuring that UN sanctions respect international due process standards and the time has now come for the Security Council to substantively address these concerns. 


While this resolution, and the sanctions regime it creates cannot alone solve the multifaceted crisis engulfing Haiti, it is a significant action of the Security Council in support of the Haitian people.



The adoption of this resolution demonstrates the seriousness with which the Security Council is prepared to act against criminal gangs and for the people of Haiti. Ireland will continue to do its part to ensure the Council continues to assume this responsibility.


Thank you Mr President.

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