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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, France website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/paris.

The Embassy

  • Embassy Team
  • Directions
  • Opening Hours
  • Closure Dates

Embassy Team

To contact the Embassy team, details below, by telephone diall +33 1 44 17 67 00.

If you wish to contact the Ambassador or Consular team, please use the General or Consular Queries Contact Form. For email correspondence, the general email address format is firstname.surname@dfa.ie

Ambassador - Niall Burgess

Counsellor - Owen Feeney 

Counsellor - Mícheál Tierney

First Secretary (Head of Economic Unit) – Laura Dagg 

First Secretary (Head of Political Unit) – Aoife Ni Fhearghail 

First Secretary (Head of EU Affairs, Press and Public Diplomacy Unit) - Barry Tumelty 

First Secretary (Agricultural, Food and Fisheries Attaché) – Colm O'Cribin 

Second Secretary (Cultural and Political Attaché) - Maurice Cotter

Second Secretary (Economic and Commercial Affairs) – Cillian Rossi

Second Secretary (Consul and Political Affairs) – Eimear Ryan-Charleton

P.A. to the Ambassador - Laetitia Dufour 

Office and Accounts Manager - Katherine Alt 

Public Diplomacy and Communications Officer - Kathleen Burke 

Press and Culture Officer - Florian Devouassoux 

Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Officer - Martine Alix 

EU Affairs, Climate and Brexit Officer – Marion Tanguy 

Economic and Trade Officer - Sophie Carey

Political Affiars and Francophonie - Kateryna Kursenko 

Customer Service and Administrative Officer - Clodagh Bruen

Consular Officer – Patsy Mignot (consularparis@dfa.ie)

Consular Officer - Karen Murphy (consularparis@dfa.ie)

Consular Officer – Ruairi McGrath (consularparis@dfa.ie)

Embassy Driver and Administrative Officer - Stéphane Pierron 

Administrative Officer and Driver - Jérôme Leobon 


The nearest metro station is Argentine on line 1. When you come out of the metro station, walk back towards the Arc de Triomphe. The entrance to the Embassy's public office is at 4 rue Rude, which is the second street on the right after you exit the metro.

The nearest Velib station is at Rue Traktir.

Embassy of Ireland 
12 avenue Foch 
(entrance 4 rue Rude) 
75116 Paris

Opening Hours

Embassy Opening Hours

The Embassy consular section is open to the public without appointment from 9.30 to 11.30. For further information, click here.

The most efficient way to avail of the Embassy's consular services is to make an appointment. You can request an appointment for consular services by emailing consularparis@dfa.ie.

Out of hours Emergency Contact Details

If you require emergency assistance while the Embassy is closed, please call the main Embassy number, +33 1 44 176700, and leave a message on the Duty Officer voice mailbox. This mailbox is monitored regularly.

Closure Dates

The Embassy of Ireland in Paris will be closed on the following dates in 2023:

Monday 2 January: New Year’s

Friday 17 March: St. Patrick's Day

Friday 7 April: Good Friday

Monday 10 April: Easter Monday

Monday 1 May: May Day

Monday 8 May: Victory in Europe Day

Thursday 18 May: Ascension

Monday 29 May: Whit Monday/Pentecost

Friday 14 July: Bastille Day

Tuesday 15 August: Assumption

Wednesday 1 November: La Toussaint

Monday 25 December: Christmas

Tuesday 26 December: St. Stephen’s Day