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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Republic of Korea website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/seoul.


Doing Business with Ireland

How we can help?

At the Embassy, we work closely with Irish state agencies to promote trade and inward investment.

We can:

  • Support Irish companies who want to find and access new markets and help with resolving commercial difficulties where possible
  • Provide general advice on doing business locally and, through our network of contacts, pursue export and investment opportunities that will benefit Ireland
  • Work to secure market access for Irish products in key sectors in high-growth and emerging markets

Team Ireland

Both IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland have offices here in Korea and we work together in Ireland House to promote trade and inward investment. Collectively, the Embassy, IDA and Enterprise Ireland form the Local Market Team. The Ambassador oversees the Local Market Team who work together to maximise opportunities for Irish business interests. Working with the right expertise in relevant state agencies is part of our successful strategy.