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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Sweden website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/stockholm.

Consular Fees

The following is a list of fees charged for Consular Services carried out by the Embassy of Ireland. For further details on these services please check the relevant section of our website:



Fees from April 2017

Postage  Fee

Registered mail

SEK 95.00

Witness service

Witnessing of Passport application and other documents

SEK 430.00




Passport Fees






Standard 10 Year

Applicable to those aged 18 and over

SEK 910.00

Large 10 Year

Available on request to very frequent travellers

SEK 1,200.00

Minor, age 0 - 17 years, 5 year passport

Applicable to children and young people aged 0-17 years, including 17 years

SEK 435.00

Business Passport 10 Year

Special rules apply

SEK 750.00

Emergency Travel Certificate

Only issued for people who have lost their passport, or who have had their passport stolen and must urgently travel back to Ireland - valid for single journey only

SEK 300.00

Out of hours fee


SEK 770.00




Visa Fees

Information on our visa fees





Citizenship Fees






FBR - Foreign Birth registration in respect of an applicant 18 year and over


SEK 2,395.00

FBR - Foreign Birth registration in respect of and applicant under 18 years


SEK 1,200.00

Foreign Birth Registration certificate


SEK 195.00

CDC - Certificate de Coutume


SEK 580.00