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Statement by Ambassador Byrne Nason at the UNSC Briefing on West Africa and the Sahel

Merci Monsieur le Président,


Je voudrais également remercier le Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire-Générale Annadif pour son intervention. Nous sommes reconnaissants du rôle essentiel que joue l’UNOWAS dans la prévention des conflits dans la région. Je voudrais souhaiter la bienvenue à Madame Ayemou. Il est crucial que la voix de la société civile, notamment la société civile dirigé par des femmes, de la région soit entendue. Merci beaucoup.


La gouvernance démocratique est cruciale pour la paix et la stabilité à long-terme à l’Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel. Nous nous félicitons des transitions démocratiques récents au Niger et des efforts soutenus de réconciliation au Burkina Faso, a la Cote d’Ivoire, et au Togo. Au même temps, nous sommes préoccupés par la tendance actuel du renversement des valeurs démocratiques dans la région, en particulier les évènements récents au Mali.


Les rapports de l’impunité répandue par rapport aux violations des droits de l’homme, liées aux processus électoraux, sont extrêmement préoccupantes. Plus que jamais, la fonction des « bons offices » de l’UNOWAS est essentielle.


Monsieur le Président,


Le renforcement du contrat social essentiel entre l’état et les citoyens est clé afin de restaurer la confiance dans la gouvernance démocratique. Cela est possible par la promotion des politiques inclusives, par l’encouragement d’une société civile vibrante et bien sûr par la liberté d’expression.


Mr. President,


Engaging youth and providing access to quality education, particularly for girls, are critical. We condemn the persistent attacks on schools, in particular continued abductions in Nigeria, as we have disturbingly witnessed yet again this week. Schools must be safeguarded throughout the region.


Without women’s participation, long-term stability cannot be achieved.  It’s simple: women must be supported, encouraged and protected in all political processes. We welcome the increased political representation of women in the region, but their absence from cabinet tables must be addressed.


It is particularly promising to see UNOWAS support for Women, Peace and Security. National Action Plans have been  adopted by all but one country in the region. And that is truly impressive at a regional level


Mr. President,

Ireland condemns the shocking violence we have witnessed in attacks against civilians, particularly in Niger and Burkina Faso.  Increased insecurity, the exploitation by armed groups of intercommunal tensions, and particularly an increase in attacks in West African coastal States, notably northern Côte d’Ivoire, are particularly worrying.



It is clear that climate change is one of the drivers of conflict across the region. The IEG on climate and security has learned much from the work of UNOWAS on climate risk assessments and I commend efforts to deepen the Mission’s integration of climate related security risks into its actions.


Mr. President,


The deteriorating humanitarian situation, particularly rising food insecurity in the Central Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin, is of deep concern. There is an urgent need for scaled up response assistance to address this.


We are alarmed by credible reports of attacks against humanitarian workers, and human rights violations. Accountability must be ensured for all violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.


It is also clear that the humanitarian and socio-economic consequences of COVID-19 continue to exacerbate the already challenging situation in the region.


Finally, Mr. President,


We are convinced that a coordinated regional response is critical to addressing regional peace and security in West Africa and the Sahel. Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is another key challenge that shows no respect for national borders and requires a regional institutional response. UNOWAS continues to play a vital role in promoting regional and sub-regional cooperation, in particular we commend the ongoing partnership with the African Union, with ECOWAS, the G5 Sahel and the UN Special Coordinator for development in the Sahel


West Africa and the Sahel hold vast potential for inclusive transformative growth due to geographical, economic and demographic prospects.  We call on all our regional partners to focus on their political commitment to democratic governance, human rights and regional cooperation in seeking lasting peace, security and prosperity in the region.


Thank you Mr. President.

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