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Please be advised that the Consulate General of Ireland, New York website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Consulate website is now available at Ireland.ie/newyork.

Born outside Ireland?

born outside ireland

You are automatically an Irish citizen if one of your parents was an Irish citizen who was born in Ireland.

You can become an Irish citizen if one of your grandparents was born in Ireland, or you can become an Irish citizen if one of your parents was an Irish citizen at the time of your birth, but was not born in Ireland. If you’re eligible, you can register your birth on the Foreign Births Register.

Please note that Foreign Births Registration applications are not accepted, nor processed, at the Consulate General of Ireland in New York. All Foreign Births Registration related queries should be directed to:

FBR Section
PO Box 13003
Co Dublin

Contact our customer service Hub. They will be able to assist you by telephone.