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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Sweden website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/stockholm.

Embassy Closure Dates 2023 

Monday 02 January New Year’s Day
Thursday 16 January  St Patrick's Day (actual date 17 March)
Friday 7 April Good Friday
Monday 10 April    Easter Monday 
Monday 1 May First of May
Monday 5 June In lieu of Swedish National Day (actual date 6 June)
Friday 23 June Midsummer Eve
Monday 7 August August Bank Holiday
Monday 30 October Halloween (actual date 31 October) 
Monday 25 December Christmas Day
Tuesday 26 December St Stephen's Day 
Wednesday 27 December  In lieu of St Brigid's Day 2023 (actual date 1 February)

 In the event of a genuine emergency outside of office hours and during closure dates, the Embassy can be contacted by calling: +46 8 545 040 40. Please leave your name, number and a brief account of the situation, and the Duty Officer will call you back. Please note that the emergency service is for consular assistance only. Visa queries will not be answered.