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Visible Women 2020 Embassy Brussels

2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security; it is also the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on gender equality and the empowerment of all women.

Inspired by these significant historic perspectives, we decided to approach this year using the thematic approach of #VisibleWomen2020.  

In this section, we reflect on the year and share the stories of some Visible Mná na hÉireann here in Belgium.

Visible Women 2020: Introduction

22 December 2020

Ambassador Helena Nolan presents an overview of our Visible Women 2020 programme and a seasonal message looking back on an extraordinary year as we look forward to brighter days ahead.

‘The time is past when a female ambassador was thought extraordinary’: Her Excellency Mary Tinney

21 December 2020

Dr Ann Marie O'Brien explores the career of trailblazing diplomat Mary Tinney, Ireland's first ever woman appointed as Ambassador and appointed as Irish Ambassador to Belgium in 1978.

Making Visible the Invisible

21 December 2020

Historian Dr Antonia Hart highlights how official records have understated the influence of the businesswomen of yesteryear and brings us the story of one famous daughter of an Irishman with a Brussels connection.

Women in diplomacy in changing times

21 December 2020

Former Ambassador Marie Cross reflects on her career with the Department of Foreign Affairs, including her posting to the all-female ‘3 man mission’ at the Embassy of Ireland to Belgium in the 1970s.

Investing in Women is Simply Smart Economics

21 December 2020

Founder and Secretary General of LadyAgri Impact Investment Hub Hilary Barry writes of how the smallest investment in women can have a far reaching and sustainable impact.

A Time to Talk: Friendships, Connections, Kindness

21 December 2020

Sarah Ironside writes about nearly 40 years as an Irish emigrant, the value of friendship and describes what inspired her decision to bring Darkness into Light to Belgium three years ago.

Visible Femmes d’Europe

17 December 2020

A look at the work of the Femmes d'Europe Association, a philanthropic non-political, independent organisation based in Belgium and Luxembourg.

20 years after UNSCR 1325: Charting progress on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

21 December 2020

A report by Miruna Bouros on two events which took place in 2020 on the issue of women, peace and security that were supported by the Embassy of Ireland to Belgium.

An Irish Garland

21 December 2020

A selection of music and poetry for the festive season.

Bloomsday 2020

16 June 2020

A special Bloomsday message from Ambassador Nolan featuring some wonderful Belgian Blooms with thanks to the Irish Theatre Group.

Irish short films awarded in Ghent

12 February 2020

Three Irish films were recognised at an awards ceremony held in Ghent, Belgium, as part of the Scéal Eile Irish Film Festival Belgium.

Embassy of Ireland, Belgium St. Brigid's Day 2020

31 January 2020

Embassy of Ireland, Belgium marks St. Brigid's Day 2020 with a celebration of Irish and Belgian female creativity, entrepreneurship and design.