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Please be advised that the Permanent Representation of Ireland, Brussels website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Representation's website is now available at Ireland.ie/eu/brussels.

The Permanent Representation - Overview

Led by Permanent Representative Tom Hanney, Ireland’s Permanent Representation to the EU is the State’s largest overseas mission in the world, with staff assigned from almost all Government departments.

The Permanent Representation is dedicated to pursuing, securing and protecting Ireland’s interests and objectives in the EU.

The European Union, of which Ireland has been a member since 1973, affects most aspects of Irish life and is central to Irish interests.

Our team at the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU, sometimes dubbed the ‘Perm Rep’, includes one or more officials from almost all Government Departments. The Perm Rep is Ireland’s biggest diplomatic mission.

By negotiating and lobbying on behalf of Ireland, on the instruction of Government Ministers and in close consultation with the home administration, they ensure that Ireland’s word bears on all EU laws and decisions. They do this by working closely with the 26 other countries in the Council of the European Union, with the Commission, the European Parliament, other institutions, the Council Secretariat, and a wide variety of other stakeholders. 

At the highest level is the European Council, a meeting of leaders, either Heads of State or of Government (HOSG), which sets EU strategic direction. The Taoiseach attends these meetings, which take place about six times a year.

A step below this is the Council of the European Union (‘the Council’). Irish Ministers travel regularly to Brussels to attend Council meetings, which are at the core of EU decision-making. All EU issues, from foreign policy to fisheries, are discussed and agreed in the various formations of Council. 

On a day to day basis, the Government is represented in Brussels by Perm Rep officials, supported as necessary by colleagues travelling from Dublin. Ireland is thus represented at every meeting, at every level in the Council, to make Ireland’s case and build alliances to significantly influence EU policy.

The Permanent Representation is located at:

Rue Froissart 50
1040 Brussels

Tel: 00 32 2 282 3200

Tá Buanionadaíocht na hÉireann chuig an AE, faoi stiúir an Bhuanionadaí Tom Hanney, ar an misean is mó ar domhan de chuid an Stáit thar lear, le foireann atá sannta as beagnach gach roinn Rialtais. 

Tá an Bhuanionadaíocht tiomanta do leasanna agus cuspóirí na hÉireann a shaothrú, a áirithiú agus a chosaint san AE.

Bíonn tionchar ag an Aontas Eorpach, a bhfuil Éire ina ball de ó 1973 i leith, ar bheagnach gach gné de shaol na hÉireann agus is lárnach é i dtaobh leasanna na hÉireann.

Áirítear lenár mbaill foirne i mBuanionadaíocht na hÉireann chuig an AE oifigeach amháin nó níos mó as beagnach gach Roinn Rialtais. Tá an Bhuanionadaíocht ar mhisean taidhleoireachta is mó na hÉireann.

Trí chaibidlíocht agus stocaireacht a dhéanamh thar ceann na hÉireann, faoi threoir Airí Rialtais agus i ndlúthchomhairle leis an riarachán baile, cinntíonn sí go mbíonn guth ag Éirinn maidir le dlíthe agus cinntí uile an AE. Déanann sí an méid sin trí bheith ag obair i ndlúthpháirt leis na 27 dtír eile i gComhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh, an Coimisiún, Parlaimint na hEorpa, institiúidí eile, Rúnaíocht na Comhairle, agus páirtithe leasmhara éagsúla eile.

Ar an leibhéal is airde tá an Chomhairle Eorpach, cruinniú ceannairí, idir Cheannairí Stáit agus Cheannairí Rialtais, a leagann síos treo straitéiseach an AE. Freastalaíonn an Taoiseach ar na cruinnithe sin, a bhíonn ar siúl thart ar sé huaire sa bhliain.

Céim faoin bhun na Comhairle sin tá Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh ('an Chomhairle'). Taistealaíonn Airí na hÉireann go rialta go dtí an Bhruiséil chun freastal ar chruinnithe na Comhairle, atá i gcroílár na cinnteoireachta san Aontas Eorpach. Déantar na saincheisteanna AE go léir, ó bheartas eachtrach go hiascaigh, a phlé agus a chomhaontú i bhfoirmíochtaí éagsúla na Comhairle.

Ó lá go lá, is iad oifigigh na Buanionadaíochta a dhéanann ionadaíocht ar an Rialtas sa Bhruiséil, agus bíonn comhghleacaithe a thaistealaíonn ó Bhaile Átha Cliath ag tacú leo mar is gá. Fágann sin go mbíonn ionadaíocht ag Éirinn ag gach cruinniú, ar gach leibhéal sa Chomhairle, chun cás na hÉireann a chur i láthair agus comhghuaillíochtaí a chothú chun tionchar nach beag a imirt ar bheartas AE.

Ireland's EU Policy Overview

Our Engagement with the EU

UK Withdrawal from the EU (‘Brexit’)

Ireland has been an active member of the EU27 supporting and guiding the Commission Task Force in its negotiation with the United Kingdom on the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and in negotiating a future partnership, under the oversight of the European Council.

The potential impact of the UK’s departure from the EU on Ireland could be severe and intensive engagement is required to ensure that risks and challenges are identified and analysed in order to inform the best policy responses relevant to the negotiations. Many members of the Permanent Representation are closely involved in this work.

The Brexit Unit at the Permanent Representation has represented Ireland’s position through the relevant Council structures, though direct engagement with the Commission Task Force as well as through our engagement with EU member state colleagues and others on the ground in Brussels.