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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Embassy of Ireland, Tokyo – Newsletter 6 of 2022

Christmas message from Ambassador Cole

Dear friends and colleagues. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the friendship and support you have given to the Embassy and to me personally this year. As the world started to re-emerge from the pandemic, I am very pleased that we can look back on a busy and productive year where we saw Ireland-Japan relations continue to grow. This culminated with the Taoiseach’s visit to Japan in July this year, and the successful meeting he held with Prime Minister Kishida. The Joint Leaders statement agreed by the two Prime Ministers will continue to serve as the basis for expanding our engagement in the future.

But I have also seen that the strength of our relationship with Japan is based on a solid foundation of people-to-people ties. Since arriving in August, I have been struck by the strength of the links between Ireland and Japan, despite our geographic distance, and the scale of the contribution to those ties made by Irish people in Japan. It has been heartening to see the way in which Irish music, dance, literature, food and sports are embraced and celebrated here. I know this is largely down to the vibrant and active Irish community we have in Japan, and the Japanese partners who have embraced our culture so warmly, and so I would like to thank you all for that support in helping us to grow our relationship with Japan.

To conclude, allow me to wish you and your families a very happy and healthy Christmas and New Year. I hope that you will enjoy the festive season, and I look forward to continuing our cooperation with you next year.





Ambassador Cole attends the Ceremony of the Presentation of Credentials

On 10 November 2022, Ambassador Damien Cole was honoured to present his credentials as Ambassador of Ireland to Japan, to His Majesty the Emperor. As part of the ceremony, Ambassador Cole committed to working to strengthen the already very strong ties between Ireland and Japan. Ambassador Cole becomes the 12th Irish Ambassador to present credentials as Ireland’s representative in Japan since Robin Fogarty, Ireland’s first Ambassador to Japan, presented credentials to Emperor Hirohito on 1 September 1973.


(Photo: Imperial Household Agency) (写真提供:宮内庁)


Japan’s Minister Yoshikawa attends the Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas Conference in Dublin, 18 November

On 18 November, Minister Coveney hosted a high-level international conference for the adoption of a Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas in Dublin Castle. We were delighted that Parliamentary Vice-Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yoshikawa Yuumi, visited Ireland to attend the Conference, and expressed Japan’s support for the initiative. The Declaration aims to address the unacceptably high level of civilian harm that occurs when explosive weapons are used in populated areas, resulting in better protection of civilians in urban warfare, and is the culmination of nearly three years of consultations. The final Declaration is on www.dfa.ie/ewipa



Director General for Asia-Pacific, Mr Gerard Keown, and Director General for Global Ireland, Mr. John Concannon visit Japan for bilateral consultations
ジェラード・キョウン経済・アジア太平洋局長とジョン・コンカノン グローバル・アイルランド局長が来日

In October, the Director General of Asia Pacific, Gerard Keown, and Director General of Global Ireland, John Concannon, visited Japan for bilateral consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and EXPO-related meetings in Tokyo and Osaka. In Tokyo, they had very productive meetings with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cabinet Office. Building on the successful meeting between the Taoiseach and Prime Minister Kishida, they discussed some ideas on how to take the relationship between Ireland and Japan forward. In Osaka there were also very good meetings with Vice Mayor Takahashi and the Osaka EXPO team about plans for Ireland’s participation in this exciting event.

10月、アイルランド外務省よりジェラード・キョウン経済・アジア太平洋局長と、ジョン・コンカノン グローバル・アイルランド局長が来日。東京と大阪を訪問し、日本国外務省との二国間協議および万博関連の会合に出席しました。東京では外務省および内閣府と非常に実り多い話し合いが行われ、マーティン首相と岸田総理との首脳会談の成功を足掛かりとして、日本とアイルランドの友好関係を前進させるための手段について意見が交わされました。大阪では高橋副市長ならびに2025年日本国際博覧会協会の方々と面会し、万博へのアイルランドの参加プランについて有意義な話し合いを行いました。


Mutsuo Takahashi wins the inaugural Seamus Heaney Award, Tokyo

Named after Ireland’s Nobel-prizewinning poet, Seamus Heaney, the biennial Award was established by IASIL Japan (a branch of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures) under the auspices of the Embassy of Ireland, Tokyo. The Award is given for “a work or body of work of outstanding literary merit, or an outstanding work or body of work of translation and/or scholarship”.

The recipient of the inaugural Seamus Heaney Award is the Japanese poet, Mutsuo Takahashi, who has close ties to Ireland through poetry reading tours and the publication of his collection On Two Shores by Dedalus Press, in 2006. The original award ceremony was due to take place in 2020, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The award ceremony finally took place in Tokyo on 7 October 2022 at an event hosted by Ambassador Cole. Seamus Heaney’s son, Christopher visited Tokyo to present the Award.


第1回日本シェイマス・ヒーニー賞受賞者は、詩人の高橋睦郎氏です。高橋氏は詩の朗読ツアーや、作品集『二つの岸辺(原題:On Two Shores)』(Dedalus Press、2006年)の出版を通じて、アイルランドとの親交を深めてこられました。当初2020年の開催を予定していた授賞式は新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行により延期を余儀なくされましたが、2022年10月7日にコール大使の主催で開催されました。シェイマス・ヒーニーのご子息であるクリストファー・ヒーニー氏が来日し、賞の贈呈が行われました。


The Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce agree to work closely with EU-Japan Industrial Centre

On 8 November, the Embassy hosted the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce (IJCC) and the EU-Japan Industrial Centre (EUJCIC). The MOU sets the framework for the IJCC and the EUJCIC to collaborate on events, information sharing and joint initiatives. The IJCC believes this will help strengthen the ties between Ireland, the EU and Japan, and will also benefit many of the IJCC members.

11月8日、アイルランド大使館は、在日アイルランド商工会議所(IJCC)と日欧産業協力センター(EUJCIC)の覚書調印式を開催しました。この覚書は、イベント、情報共有、および共同イニシアチブにおいてIJCC とEUJCICが協力する際の枠組みとなるものです。IJCCは、この覚書がアイルランド、EU、日本の関係をさらに強化し、また、多くのIJCCメンバーにとって有益なものになると考えています。


Award-winning Irish poet Paula Meehan represents Ireland at the EU Literature Festival

One of Ireland’s foremost poets, Paula Meehan, travelled to Japan to participate in the EU Literature Festival in November 2022. As part of her visit, she read from her latest collection “As If By Magic”, which has recently been translated into Japanese, and delivered a talk at Tsuda University hosted by fellow Irish writer Clara Kumagai. She also performed new work commissioned to mark the centenary of James Joyce’s novel Ulysses, which is being celebrated in Ireland and worldwide this year.

アイルランドの著名な詩人ポーラ・ミーハン氏が来日し、2022年11月に開催されたヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバルに参加しました。フェスティバルでは、最近邦訳された最新詩集『まるで魔法のように ポーラ・ミーハン選詩集(原題:As If By Magic)』から作品の朗読を披露するとともに、今年アイルランドをはじめ世界各国で祝われているジェイムズ・ジョイスの小説『ユリシーズ』の刊行100周年を記念するイベントにも登壇し新作の朗読を行いました。また、アイルランド出身の作家クララ・クマガイ氏の主催により津田塾大学で講演を行いました。


Izu Jo No Kiseki wins the Ireland Trophy Fuchu Himba Stakes

On 15 October, the Ireland Trophy Fuchu Himba Stakes was held at Tokyo racecourse. This is a wonderful annual celebration of the horse-racing links between Ireland and Japan. Congratulations to Izu Jo No Kiseki who claimed her first graded win. Ambassador Cole presented the trophy to the Owner.



Ambassador Cole celebrates Halloween with Mayor Hasebe of Shibuya

Did you know that Halloween originated in Ireland? Halloween was celebrated in Ireland by the ancient Celts for many thousands of years. The end of the harvest was marked with a special festival of fires, feasts and pagan ceremonies. To mark this occasion, Ambassador Cole invited Mayor Hasebe of Shibuya City and the Omotesando Shoppers Association to discuss our co-operation with Shibuya for Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day.



Irish Film continues its rise in popularity in Japan

The Japan premiere of The Banshees of Inisherin was held on 27 October at a Gala screening at the Tokyo International Film Festival. Starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, and written and directed by Martin McDonagh, this film will be on general release on 27 January 2023. The film has received widespread praise from critics, who praised McDonagh's screenplay and direction, Burwell's score, and performances of the cast, so be sure not to miss it! We hope you also caught Dating Amber, which went on general release in Japan on 3 November. A charming story of two teenagers who pretend to be in a relationship with each other to hide their true selves, the film is a charming story about the difficulties in growing up, and the true meaning of friendship, acceptance and love.

10月27日、東京国際映画祭のガラ・セクション部門で『イニシェリン島の精霊(原題:The Banshees of Inisherin)』がジャパン・プレミアとして上映されました。主演コリン・ファレル、ブレンダン・グリーソン、脚本・監督マーティン・マクドナーの同作は、2023年1月27日公開予定です。多くの批評家から高い評価を受け、マクドナーの脚本と監督、バーウェルの楽曲、俳優陣の演技が称賛されている『イニシェリン島の精霊』をどうぞお見逃しなく!また、11月3日より全国公開中の『恋人はアンバー(原題:Dating Amber)』もぜひご覧ください。本当の自分を隠すために付き合っているふりをする2人のティーンエイジャーを描いたチャーミングな物語で、成長にともなう悩み、真の友情、認め合うこと、そして愛をテーマにした魅力的な作品です。


To Be Irish
「To Be Irish」キャンペーン

Minister of State for Overseas Development and Diaspora, Mr. Colm Brophy T.D., announced the return of the To Be Irish campaign this year. To Be Irish is an initiative aimed at creating meaningful connections with the Irish diaspora around the world. Celebrating individuals, families, community organisations and businesses with Irish roots, To Be Irish aims to be a virtual hub for sharing the joy of being Irish at special moments throughout the year. Events taking place in Ireland and around the world will be showcased on this site and allow Irish people all over the world to stay connected to Ireland during the Christmas season. To see what’s on in your local area and to find out more, see https://tobeirish.ie/

コルム・ブロフィー国際開発・ディアスポラ担当国務大臣が、「To Be Irish」キャンペーンの再開を発表しました。「To Be Irish」は、世界中で暮らすアイルランド出身の移住者 と有意義な連帯を築くことを目的としたイニシアチブです。アイルランドにルーツを持つ個人、家族、コミュニティ組織、企業を祝し、「To Be Irish」が年間を通じて特別な機会にアイルランド人であることの喜びを分かち合うことのできる、オンライン上の拠点となることを目指しています。アイルランド出身の世界中の人々がクリスマスシーズンにアイルランドとつながっていられるよう、アイルランをはじめ世界中で開催されるイベントがウェブサイトで紹介されます。お住まいの地域で行われているイベントや詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください:https://tobeirish.ie/


Design Craft Council Promotion

Looking for an Irish inspired Christmas gift? Then check out the Design Craft Council of Ireland website, which showcases the work of a wide range of amazing craftspeople and designers from Ireland. This includes small-scale and artisan producers who are hand-making everything from knitwear to jewellery, pottery, candles, scarves, blankets, homeware, and a whole range of gift ideas for the holiday season and beyond. You can order online through the website: https://www.dcci.ie/

