Global Irish Newsletter 14 June 2021 - a Message from Minister Brophy
14 June 2021
Minister Colm Brophy TD
A chairde,
We are, I hope, at the beginning of the end phase of the Covid pandemic and to this period of physical disconnection between the Irish at home and abroad.
Last week, the Irish Government outlined its plans to begin lifting restrictions to international travel. An announcement that has raised spirits and expectations of being reunited with our families and friends after so long a period apart.
Yet there is still a fine balance to be struck between restoring freedom of travel while maintaining public health and preventing the spread of new variants. I am conscious that while travel home will be possible for some this year, it will not be possible for all.
As Minister for the Diaspora, I feel a special responsibility to those Irish communities abroad who may have longer to wait. Over the past year, I have worked to deploy Ireland’s Emigrant Support Programme to better assist our people and community organisations most impacted by Covid. I will continue to do so over the period ahead and I will remain an advocate for the Diaspora in the decisions to come in regard to the opening up of international travel.
As we finally get back together in person, I look forward to engaging more directly with our Diaspora networks and to welcoming as many of you as possible home. I am keen to hear your concerns, learn of local developments and, most especially, to help you revive your community activities and events so cruelly disrupted by Covid.
Beir bua agus beannacht,
Colm Brophy T.D.
Minister of State for the Diaspora and Overseas Development