IDEAS Scholarship Programme 2019-2020 is now open for applications
10 October 2018
The Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam is calling for applications from Vietnamese candidates for theGovernment of Ireland – IDEAS Scholarship programme 2019-2020 for Vietnamese candidates, under the Irish Development Experience Sharing Programme (IDEAS). A total of up to 30 full scholarships will be awarded to Vietnamese candidates to pursue Masters study at Irish higher education institutions in the following areas:
1. Agriculture and Rural Development, Environmental Science
2. Food Science
3. Pharmacy and Biotechnology
4. Engineering, Hydrology, Sustainable Technology
5. Information and Communication Technology
6. Management, and Business Related
7. Economics, Finance and Accounting
8. Others: Tourism and Hospitality Management, Interactive Digital Media, Creative Practice, Public Relations
Scholarship awards cover: visa fee, international airfares, full tuition fees, public health insurance, monthly stipend to cover accommodation and subsistence costs, settling-in allowance, and books. Scholarships are for individuals for full-time study of up 12 months duration for Masters programmes.
Deadline of application is 12.00hrs Friday 11 January 2019 (postal stamp).
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