Ireland’s post-WWII aid to Europe, 5 July, 18.00
27 June 2023
This year, Ireland celebrates 50 years of membership in the European Union and the Embassy of Ireland is organising a series of talks to mark the occasion.
You are very welcome to join us at the Embassy of Ireland, Jägerstraße 51, Berlin 10117 on Wednesday, 5 July from 18.00 to hear about Ireland's aid programme to Europe post-WWII presented by Dr. Jérôme aan de Wiel, Senior Lecturer at University College Cork and author of Ireland's Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950 .
The discussion will feature archival pictures that have never previously been publically displayed and Dr. aan de Wiel will draw on his extensive archival research to comment on the significance of the programme, the challenges it faced and the benefits it brought to those it helped.
Following Dr. Aan de Wiel's remarks, there will be an opportunity for questions and answers, followed by a drinks reception.
18:00 - Doors
18:30 - Event Starts
Register Here: Ireland’s post-WWII aid to Europe Tickets, Wed 5 Jul 2023 at 18:00 | Eventbrite