October and November activity round-up
09 December 2021
October and November Round-up
Let's take a look at activity in the Irish Embassy in October and November.
Trick or Treat??
Ireland is the home of Halloween of course, and this year we decided to treat the wonderful local hospital staff for all their hard work and dedication. We baked special Halloween pumpkin muffins and delivered them to the staff in 5 of the largest hospitals in Prague: Vinohradská nemocnice, Fakultní nemoceni - karlovo námÄ›stí, nemocnice Bulovka, nemocnice Motol, Thomayerova nemocnice.
Den poezie - Poetry day in the Czech Republic, 8 - 21 November
Den poezie is an annual international poetry festival held for two weeks every November around the birthday (16 November 1810) of the great Czech romantic poet, K.H. Mácha. It is the most widespread poetry event in the country with events now taking place in arround 60 Czech cities, towns and villages. This year Den poezie wa dedicated to Italian poet Dante Alighieri, marking 700 years since his death, and the theme was based on his most famou work, "The Divine comedy".
The Embassy shared a clip of President Higgins and Mrs. Sabina Higgins reading from Dante's Inferno in Irish and English, recorded in Ireland in 2015 to mark 750 years since Dante's Birt.
Octopus Soup Theatre
In November we welcomed award winnning Irish theatre company Octopus Soup Theatre to Prague. They presented No One is Coming, created and performed by Sinéad O'Brien, to a sell out audience a the Prague Fringe Festival 2021.
Exhibitions at the Embassy
The Embassy might look a little different the next time you pay us a visit. In cooperation with the National Library of Ireland, Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again exhibition has been produced locally and is on display in the public areas of the Embassy. We are looking forward to hosting an official opening ceremony safely in spring 2022.
The Embassy is looking forward to showing you A History of Ireland in 10 Words - a pop-up exhibition based on the book A History of Ireland in 100 Words. The exhibition reveals the connections between Irish words we still use and words used in a bygone era. This colourful exhibition is in English and Czech and could be travelling to a school, club, library or other venue near you soon. Get in touch with us if you would like to know more.
A History of Ireland in 100 Words is by Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh and Gregory Toner and the exhibition was curated by the authors and Ruth Hegarty. Joe McLaren created the illustrations for the book and the exhibition, both of which were designed by Fidelma Slattery and edited by Helena King.