POMES PENYEACH - James Joyce set to song - 2 June 2022
20 May 2022
James Joyce set to song
Composed by Adrian Crowley & Matthew Nolan, Pomes Penyeach is a unique and thrilling project comprising the poetry of James Joyce reinterpreted into song. The collection of 13 short poems, first published in 1927 by Shakespeare & Company of Paris, provide the lyrical basis for this invigorating and expansive creation.
The title, Pomes Penyeach, is a typical Joycean play on words; its literal meaning being 'poems for a penny each' as the collection was published for the price of one shilling, or twelve pennies. The thirteenth poem was a bonus ‘tilly’ (tuilleadh in Irish); a custom of Irish tradespeople at the time to offer an extra serving, similar to the ‘baker’s dozen, which offered 13 loaves instead of twelve.
This exciting new project came into being when academic/curator/ composer Matthew Nolan approached singer/writer/composer Adrian Crowley and extended an invitation to collaborate. Nolan first discovered Joyce's collection thirty years ago and ever since had held an ambition to see the elegiac collection set to song. That collaboration has culminated in a breath-taking project of a panoramic quality that not only stands up as a transportive musical journey but as a testament to the timelessness of Joyce's verse.
The project features Adrian Crowley (vocals, piano, acoustic guitar & mellotron), Matthew Nolan (electric guitar, omnichord, & synth). The pair have assembled a stunning ensemble with some of Ireland’s forerunning contemporary players featuring strings, electronics and a surprise guest vocalist who provides a perfect foil to Crowley’s distinct voice.
Pomes Penyeach is supported by The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, The Museum of Literature Ireland and Saint Patrick's Festival.
TICKETS on sale::
Venue - Zenner Berlin
Alt-Treptow 15-17
12435 Berlin
Thursday, 2nd of June 2022
Doors: 7pm
Start: 8pm
James Joyce in Liedern vertont
Pomes Penyeach, komponiert von Adrian Crowley & Matthew Nolan, ist ein einzigartiges und spannendes Projekt, das die Poesie von James Joyce in Liedform neu interpretiert. Die Sammlung von 13 kurzen Gedichten, die erstmals 1927 von Shakespeare & Company of Paris veröffentlicht wurde, bildet die lyrische Grundlage für dieses belebende und ausladende Werk.
Der Titel, Pomes Penyeach, ist ein typisches Joycean-Wortspiel; seine wörtliche Bedeutung lautet "Gedichte für je einen Penny", da die Sammlung zum Preis von einem Schilling, also zwölf Pennies, veröffentlicht wurde. Das dreizehnte Gedicht war ein Bonus "tilly" (tuilleadh auf Irisch); ein Brauch der irischen Händler zu dieser Zeit, eine zusätzliche Portion anzubieten, ähnlich dem "Bäckerdutzend", das 13 statt zwölf Brote bot.
Dieses aufregende neue Projekt entstand, als der Akademiker/Kurator/Komponist Matthew Nolan an den Sänger/Schriftsteller/Komponisten Adrian Crowley herantrat und eine Einladung zur Zusammenarbeit aussprach. Nolan entdeckte Joyces Sammlung zum ersten Mal vor dreißig Jahren und hatte seitdem den Ehrgeiz, die elegische Sammlung zu vertonen. Diese Zusammenarbeit gipfelte in einem atemberaubenden Projekt von panoramischer Qualität, das nicht nur eine musikalische Reise darstellt, sondern auch ein Zeugnis für die Zeitlosigkeit von Joyce' Versen ist.
An dem Projekt sind Adrian Crowley (Gesang, Klavier, akustische Gitarre und Mellotron) und Matthew Nolan (elektrische Gitarre, Omnichord und Synthesizer) beteiligt. Die beiden haben ein umwerfendes Ensemble mit einigen der besten zeitgenössischen Musiker Irlands zusammengestellt, das Streicher, Elektronik und einen überraschenden Gastsänger umfasst, der Crowleys markante Stimme perfekt ergänzt.
Pomes Penyeach wird vom irischen Außenministerium, dem Museum of Literature Ireland und dem Saint Patrick's Festival unterstützt.
TICKETS im Verkauf::
Ort - Zenner Berlin
Alt-Treptow 15-17
12435 Berlin
Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022
Doors: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Artist Bio - Anna Mieke
Anna Mieke is an Irish musician and songwriter, based in county Wicklow. Her debut album ‘Idle Mind’, described as “a strikingly confident collection of songs, full of blue sky thinking and wide open horizons” by the Irish Times, was released independently in April 2019.
Anna Mieke performs with percussionist Matthew Jacobson, Ryan Hargadon on saxophone, synth and Brían Mac Gloinnon fiddle and harmonium. She has shared stages with many other artists, including playing support shows for the likes of Lisa Hannigan, Martin Hayes, This Is The Kit, Lankum, Gyda Valtysdottir (múm) and Rozi Plain. She was nominated for the RTÉ Folk Award 'Best Emerging Act’ 2019 following her album release.
Inspiration for her writing stems from a colourful background of experience: learning Maori songs at school in New Zealand, cycling through Europe, living in Granada, learning folk songs in Bulgaria and performing cello in the Cork-based experimental improv group, HEX.
She is currently working towards her second album.
Anna Mieke is also one-third of the singing trio Rufous Nightjar, whose debut album is set for release in 2022.
“A deliciously bearable lightness of being defines Anna Mieke’s debut album. It’s a strikingly confident collection of 10 songs, full of blue sky thinking and wide open horizons... Idle Mind is a slow burner (in the very best sense) that promises many fresh revelations with each return visit. A deliriously renewable energy source”
- Siobhan Long, The Irish Times ★★★★
“Indeed, Idle Mind is not just a stunning debut record, nor is it just an amazing Irish record: it’s a record that proves Mieke to be one of the most promising artists on the Irish independent sphere and mature musician and songwriter whose work deserves to be heard far and wide”
- The Thin Air
Approved Videos
Anna Mieke - Creature:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDwXB6ZVTOY
Anna Mieke - Warped Window (Live): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rdClFGgwMQ
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