NOTICE - "avoid all non-essential travel at this time"
12 March 2020
27 March 2020 (Country Specific information below)
The Government of Ireland is advising against all non-essential travel overseas at this time.
On the advice of the National Public Health Emergency Team, the Government of Ireland is advising against all non-essential travel overseas until March 29, at least. This advice includes travel to Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and all cruise ship travel in the region. This decision has been taken to combat COVID-19 and in view of the imposition of new restrictions on entry by many countries and the ongoing reduction in international flight services. It also includes travel to Great Britain but does not apply to Northern Ireland.
In light of the basic level of healthcare facilities available in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR, and the added complexities of COVID-19, visitors, and particularly those with underlying health conditions, should consider carefully the potential risk and consequences of contracting COVID-19 during their time in the region.
Flight restrictions, reductions and route cancellations are happening on a daily basis in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR, and there is no guarantee that air routes will continue to operate over the coming weeks. For this reason, where commercial flights are still an option, we recommend that people who wish to do so make arrangements to return to Ireland as soon as possible.
Irish citizens who are currently travelling or residing in Vietnam, Cambodia or Lao PDR and are trying to find flights back to Ireland at this time and those experiencing visa difficulties are asked to:
- Ensure you are registered with the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam
- Contact the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam and make yourself and your situation known as soon as possible
The Irish Health Authorities require anyone coming into Ireland, apart from Northern Ireland, to either self-quarantine or self-isolate on arrival for 14 days. This includes Irish residents. Essential supply chain services such as hauliers, pilots and maritime staff are exempt. We are in the process of updating our travel advice web pages to reflect this change. In the meantime, this advisory overrides all other travel alerts and security status notifications.
Some advice from the Health Service Executive to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is below.
• wash your hands properly and regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub
• cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
• put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands
• touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
See links below for additional information:
Vietnamese Ministry for Health
European Centre for Disease Control
Health Protection Surveillance Centre
If you are currently in Vietnam, Cambodia or Lao PDR and are experiencing fever or other symptoms of COVID-19, you should contact your nearest doctor by phone, immediately.
Transit Options
Due to COVID19 preventative measures, transit is no longer permitted at airports in Singapore, Hong Kong, Moscow, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city.
Bangkok: Irish citizens visiting or residing in the region should note that until 31 March 2020 if you plan to transit Bangkok you will need to be in possession of (1) a ‘fit to fly’ report issued by a doctor within 72 hours of travel, and (2) health insurance covering COVID-19 to the value of $100,000.
From Sunday 22 March 2020, Vietnam will no longer permit entry to foreign nationals, including Irish citizens. Some exceptions are available for business managers and highly skilled workers, who will need to be in possession of a health certificate demonstrating that you have been tested and are negative for COVID-19, and quarantine following your arrival will apply.
From Wednesday 18 March 2020, Vietnam suspended the issuance of all visas for a period of 30 days. Those already in possession of a visa who arrive in Vietnam from Europe, USA and the ASEAN region will be placed in quarantine upon arrival for a period of 14 days. Vietnam has also suspended the processing of work permits.
Extensive quarantine operations have taken place in recent weeks. These are likely to continue and possibly increase in frequency and scope. Mandatory quarantine may be imposed without any notice. A significant number of visitors to Vietnam have been placed in quarantine or isolation because they travelled on a flight where another passenger was subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19. Others have been placed in quarantine or isolation for being a secondary or tertiary contact of such a person (i.e. they had contact with a person who had contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19). The Vietnamese authorities have made clear that all persons, visitors and residents, are required to comply with quarantine restrictions. No exceptions are made based on nationality or pre-existing medical condition.
The Vietnamese government has also ordered that from 16 March 2020 all persons must wear a facemask in public spaces, including in shopping centres, airports, train stations and while on public transport. In addition, all non-essential businesses are now closed in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city.
The Cambodian Government recommends avoiding large gatherings. Schools in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap city are now closed. Body temperature screenings are in place at international airports. If you have symptoms of respiratory illness including cough, you could be quarantined on arrival.
From 14 March, citizens from Italy, Germany, Spain, France and the US will be refused entry to Cambodia for a period of 30 days.
We are aware of the challenges that Irish citizens who are currently travelling or residing in Cambodia and trying to find flights back to Ireland are experiencing. We ask those citizens who are trying to find flights back to Ireland at this time and those experiencing visa difficulties to:
1) Ensure you are registered with the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam
2) Contact the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam and make yourself and your situation known as soon as possible
From 20 March 2020, the Government of Lao PDR has suspended all types of visas, including visa on arrival. All education institutions and entertainment venues (bars, karaoke etc.) must close until further notice. Irish citizens in Lao PDR are asked to avoid gatherings with large crowds, including festivals, fairs, sporting events, weddings, etc.
We are aware of the challenges that Irish citizens who are currently travelling or residing in Lao PDR and trying to find flights back to Ireland are experiencing. We ask those citizens who are trying to find flights back to Ireland at this time and those experiencing visa difficulties to:
1) Ensure you are registered with the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam
2) Contact the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam and make yourself and your situation known as soon as possible